In order to use Dropbox, you must have a Dropbox account and have the Dropbox app installed on your device. This is required in order to link your Dropbox account with our application.
The first screen you see is the Dropbox login screen. If you are not linked to Dropbox then tapping the Link Dropbox button will launch the Dropbox application. You will then be asked for permission for our app to access the files and folders in your Dropbox account.
If you are already linked to Dropbox, the button will say Unlinked Dropbox, which allows you to logout of Dropbox.
On the top right you can tap Directories to view the top file/folder view of your Dropbox folder. We will show both files and folders. Tap on the folder to see the contents.
Tap a file to download it. Downloaded files will show the file size in blue, indicating a cached copy which we store on the device.
The screen title is the folder name and if it is:
- GREEN You are connected via WiFi
- Blue You are connected via Cellular
- Red If you are not connected
If the title is blue please be aware of celluar charges and time required to download large files.
Under the Action Menu at the top right, you will see a number of items:
This screen allows you to indicate if the folder should be cached on the device and if the connection to Dropbox should be passive. If it is passive you will not be notified of any communication problems when you are in Airplane Mode or have no internet connectivity.
If you have a passive connection we will not sync to the Dropbox server. However, you can tap Refresh to force a sync operation. Normally, viewing a folder will sync it to the server.
Edit Rows
Invoking this action will show a red button on each file that is cached, allowing you to uncache them, thus freeing your storage. If you uncache the files and need to view them later, we will need to download and reprocess the files. This can take several minutes.
Cache Files
All files in this folder (not including subfolders) will be cached on the device.
UnCache Files
All files in this folder (not including subfolders) will be uncached. Uncaching a file means we delete the file, any metadata, and any created PDF from your device to free up storage.