Large Viewer can read almost every image file format imaginable:
AVS, BMP, CUR, DIB, FITS, GIF, ICON, JNG, JP2, JPEC, JPEG, JPEG2000, JPG, MAT, MIFF, MTV, MVG, PBM, PCX, PGM, PICT, PIX, PNG, PNG8, PNG24, PNG32, PNM, PPM, RLE, SGI, TGA, TIFF, TIF, TIM, VIFF, WBMP, WPG, SBM, XPM. ISO AO, USA Arch E, Large E or the standard D1 format files plus Apple quick look support for Office 97+, PAGES, RTF, iWorks, TXT, and CSV.
View large pages, such as Engineering, Architectural or CAD drawings, in ISO A0 (841 × 1,189 mm/33.1 × 46.8 in), the USA Arch E (762 × 1,067 mm/30 × 42 in) and the Large E size (915 × 1,220 mm/36 × 48 in). Plus the more standard size of D1 (24x36 in).
In addition, Large Viewer is the only app that can read Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) files, which are used to store, transmit, and manipulate scientific data and other images. FITS is endorsed by NASA and the International Astronomical Union.